Tropical Sunrooms

Sunroom Design Ideas For 2022

So you’ve made the great decision to reach out and create a new room and you’ve decided that a sunroom is the perfect room addition for your home. Now it’s time to start visualizing how your new room will look and feel.

What are the design options for 2022?

Being a homeowner and looking to design a new sunroom you may not know what custom sunroom design styles are available to you and your home. When it comes to the sunroom design style, this is typically determined by the style of the roof you choose. For a more open and spacious sunroom design, you may want to consider a vaulted ceiling. The gable roof of the cathedral sunroom is a great design feature if you are looking to increase the amount of natural light and space. The open space and increased natural light will give your new glass room addition a spacious wide-open look and feel. The cathedral sunroom design with vaulted ceilings, not only offers a larger increased view of your homes surrounding outdoor area, but they also offer all of the comforts of indoor living. The cathedral sunroom design features include protection from the sun’s harmful UV rays, as well as protection from natural elements like rain, heat, wind, mosquitos, and any unwanted pest or bugs.

Think Outside the Box — Sunrooms don’t have to be square!
Are you looking for a sunroom with more architectural design? A custom-designed sunroom can be an extremely exciting experience! Your new sunroom can be a standard design or it could have a more customized unique design, using angel walls (ex. octagon shape). A more custom design will allow your new sunroom addition to fit the aesthetics of your home as well as make sure that your design gives you the best-unparalleled views of the outdoors that you can enjoy all year long. Making this the perfect four seasons sunroom.

Want More Natural Light?
Skyview skylights are an excellent choice if you are looking for additional natural sunlight. A sunroom design with Skyview skylights offer additional natural light to your sunroom that will provide you with natural sunlight during the day and beautiful stars in the sky at night.

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